Thursday, March 12, 2009

Entertainment Thursday: Buzzsugar

Okay so since yesterday I wrote about Food Blogs it got me thinking on what I wanted to write about today which is Entertainment Blogs. My go to entertainment blog is BUZZSUGAR! I have been following this blog for years. I read all the movie reviews, television show reviews and I find myself saying to Jon sometimes as the lights are dimming and we're crossing our fingers that we've picked a good movie, "Well, buzzsugar, said this movie was great!"

Buzzsugar and I have similar tastes. I've rarely been steered wrong by Buzzsugar (although it has happened once or twice where we've disagreed). Now I do not consider myself a crazy entertainment guru (although when it comes to popculture that you'll find on I usually know the answer...) but I do enjoy watching movies & television and I do make sure that I watch a full range of genres to broaden my horizons. I appreciate shows & movies more for the story then the cinematography or the directing, I just don't feel "I get" all of that.

It got me to thinking though with all those varied entertainment tastes out there:

Where do you get your entertainment information from?

What are your go to entertainment websites?

Are there any entertainment blogs you hate and stay away from?

I'm curious to know, please post your answer in the comments.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I don't read many blogs, though I keep up with, but if I don't know much about a movie and I want to know if it's worthwhile I use, I usually agree with their ratings.