Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Tuesday Travels: The Empire State Building

Well, it's about time that we crossed this NYC experience off our list - The Empire State Building! We had both been there before moving to New York City but seeing as we live so close to this massive and beautiful building we felt that it would be sad to be it's neighbor for 3 years and never visit it.

The other weekend we saw that there was no line outside and decided "today is the day!" No line outside does not mean no line inside. It probably took us a good hour to get to the top between waiting online for tickets, waiting on line for one elevator, waiting on line for another elevator, etc.

The views however are amazing! I definitely appreciated the visit more as a New Yorker then ever as a visitor to the city because I finally knew what I was looking at. I knew all the buildings, the rivers, what direction I was facing, etc. It really is breathtaking to see the park, the Chrysler Building (see picture above), and the southern tip of NYC (also see pic above). We spent a good 30-40 minutes up at the top pointing out different sites, talking about what it must have been like to build the Empire State Building and just enjoying the view.

I would definitely recommend this to visitors and native New Yorkers alike. Next tall building to visit...Top of the Rock so we can enjoy the view of the Empire State Building!

Post in Comments:

Have you ever been to the top of the Empire State Building?

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